
constant time中文是什么意思

  • 常数时间



  • 例句与用法
  • The memory system of modern computer are becoming increasingly sophisticated , which is a hierarchy consisting of multilevel caches 、 main memory and disk , also instructions are not executed sequentially and in constant time
  • A kind of memory management algorithm for temporary objects is put forward in this paper , which improves the speed of memory allocation and release , has the constant time requiring , and avoids the memory fragmentation
  • In this paper , a storage strategy and a query process method are presented , with the methods to represent and convert the query result . the storage model , which is composed of the reachability code of the two spanning trees and an efficient reachability index , can be used to determine the reachable relation between any two nodes in nearly constant time
  • The marshaling algorithm is provided to improve efficiency of compiled marshalling 13 % ~ 33 % according to common data representation . when the algorithm is applied to interpreted marshalling based on corba : : any type , the effect is better . another algorithm to dispatch object in constant time and the framework to integrate different dispatching object strategies are presented
    基于ml - dof框架提出了一种高效、面向服务和对应用透明的本地请求优化模型mocicf ,支持corba计算模型的所有属性和透明性假设,例如请求处理语义、请求激活方式和操作散转方式的组合和相互透明等属性。
  • 推荐英语阅读
constant time的中文翻译,constant time是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译constant time,constant time的中文意思,constant time的中文constant time in Chineseconstant time的中文constant time怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
